Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mixed Feelings

Tuesday nights are often set aside for our elder/staff meetings, and tonight was one of those. We spent some time in prayer, talked through some agenda items, and finally it was time for our primary reason for meeting. We called the young minister with whom we'd been in conversation about possibility coming here as our preaching minister. He and his wife, after lots of prayer and soul-searching, decided to remain in their current ministry role instead of coming to work with us here at Eastside.

I titled this Mixed Feelings because that's exactly how I feel. In my heart I was excited about the possibility of them coming and joining our team. I believed they both brought gifts that would bless our church and community. Yet I also know how much they agonized in prayer ove their decision, and I'm confident God will honor their (and our) prayers as he works His will.

I truly do not know what is around the corner for us here, but I am confident that God holds that corner and our future in His loving hands. Isn't life in the Kingdom exciting?!?

Please remember to pray for us at Eastside as we seek his will. Thanks!!


Karen said...

If anyone understands mixed feelings, I do. And I totally understand. I was hopeful that they would be led to Antioch as well.

Josh said...

will do, brother!