Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Well, it's 59 seconds to blast off for the first shuttle launch in 2.5 years or so. pretty historic. Keleb even woke early to watch. OK... there it goes... lift off!!!! The guy said, "...beginning America's new journey to the moon, Mars and beyond." They're up to 900mph... 2000mph at 1.5 minutes into the launch. Separation of rocket boosters... no "Challenger diasaster" this time. There are some cool shots from new cameras. The foam all seems to be good, so no hopefully no "Columbia disaster" this time either. Planet Earth is visible from the external camera, and it looks pretty cool. There goes the external fuel tank.! Wow... this is all amazing!!

Certainly even even more amazing as I watch this is the power and majesty of God who created all of this. We plan and work and do seemingly amazing things, yet they are such baby steps to the one who created it all, spans and sustains the universe... and has conquered sin and death on behalf of this world.

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