Sunday, July 10, 2005

Out of the Blocks

The title of this first post sounds like I think of blogging as a competition... it's not that... the "old track coach" in me just likes that expression. Actually, I'm not sure how regular these posts will be, but something just moved me to get started today. Maybe it was my daughter's wedding last weekend... maybe it's because I've enjoyed the blogs of others... maybe it was our time in worship this morning... not sure what. But here I am, writing random stuff to be posted for anyone to read... whether or not it is actually read. Is it really a blog if no one ever sees it? I guess it really doesn't matter that much... writing usually does as much or more for the one writing as for any who might read it.

But, just 'cause I'm trying this out, I'll assume Jennifer's wedding is my catalyst and share a picture of the family. Jennifer is the one in the wedding dress. Her new hubby, Fok Yan Leung, is the one helping hold our grandson, Kaleb. We're on the left with Virginia's mom, Ruby, and our son, Jeremy and daughter-in-law, Amber are on the right. The picture and the reception that followed were on the campus of the California Institute of Technology where Fok completed his PhD in chemistry 3 years ago and Jen completed hers in Math earlier this summer.

It was a great weekend... and a blending of two cultures in many ways. Even though Fok was born and raised in Canada, his folks (no pun intended) are from Hong Kong, and we learned lots of cool new stuff about the "eastern branch" of our new extended family... including, but not limited to the right way to eat with chop sticks. It never ceases to amaze me that the more I learn about people of other cultures, the more clearly I realize that God made us more alike than He did different.

Well, that's enough for this first post. God bless you... no matter how or why you stumbled across my ramblings.

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