Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Random Reading

Being stuck in a recliner with my foot propped up on pillows certainly has its up side... although the upside would be enhanced greatly if March Madness was happening (not a big NBA guy). One of the things about being home is that I'm reading things I might not otherwise read at the office. Some of it is pretty random, and I thought I'd share a couple of things with you.

A University of Michigan study is reported to have revealed that having a husband adds about 7 hours of housework to the typical woman's load, yet having a wife subtracts about 1 hour of housework from the average man's workload. Not sure which school or department conducted this study... sounds like a graduate research project in the school of sociology. Anyway, I'm wondering if that reflects your experience, dear reader? With me on crutches my guess is that Virginia would say, "Only seven?"

The other is just another one of those wordplay things, "How old should a highway be when you tell it it's adopted?"

Think that one through to the end...

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