Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Got Bunco?

Virginia plays Bunco once a month with a group of ladies from church. Last night they were at our house. I was unable to escape before they began to arrive, so I hid as quietly as I could in our bedroom... keeping the TV down low so as not to disturb the evening's rituals. It was actually the first time I'd been close enough to an evening of Bunco to hear some of what happens... it was pretty scary.

There were lots of voices... couldn't really tell if it was sort of a ritualistic chant or just chattiness, but conversation is definitely part of Bunco. Then, every so often a bell would ring and there would be a stampede... or maybe it was a coincidental earthquake... not sure. I do know that food was consumed, but I'm not clear on whether that's actually part of Bunco or just being social. Also, the group had previously contributed $$ that Virginia used to buy prizes... and ALL of them had disappeared by morning.

I wasn't sure what Bunco was, so I did a Google search and found some interesting history. If you care to, you can check it out at http://www.worldbunco.com/history.html

It made me think... if you get really good at Bunco, does that make you a "bunco artist" of sorts? Sounds sort of shady to me... I remember Sergeant Friday on Dragnet used to "work bunco" occasionally.

On the other hand, I did see a card from a lady from out of state who had been a Bunco sub in this group while she was here. She had genuinely connected with these ladies and was quite thankful for the relationships she had formed. Sounds almost like... COMMUNITY... hmmm... maybe there's more to this Bunco than I thought. BUNCO ON!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Bunco rocks, Rick. I haven't played in about 2 1/2 years. We had a group in our base housing neighborhood that played monthly. Yup... community.